Client Page

Client Login to our secure portal

When you become our client, we will set up a secure account for you and send you instructions on how to access the client portal.

This is your secure way to upload and share your tax and other documents with our staff. We appreciate you submitting your tax and supporting documents via the portal. It means your return or other query can be processed faster and more efficiently.

After your account is set up, you can either bookmark the url or come back here and click the keyboard image below to be taken to your login. If you have any questions, please call or email us.

Click to Login To Portal

on-line bill payment available

need to pay your bill?

If you’d rather pay your bill on-line, please click to visit this secure link where payment can be made.

GBC QR billing code
QR code to pay your bill-scan with your phone

downtown oklahoma city

Consent To Disclose

Federal law requires this consent form be provided to you. Unless authorized by law, we cannot disclose, without your consent, your tax return information to third parties for purposes other than the preparation and filing of your tax return. If you consent to the disclosure of your tax return information, Federal law may not protect your tax return information from further use or distribution.

We have our three Consent To Disclose forms below. Please choose the one appropriate for your situation.

Click the box and an on-line fillable form will appear in your browser. Simply fill it out and then save it to your computer. Now you’re ready to upload it to your personal portal account.

Client Instructions:

You may update your demographic information here. Please opt in or out of SafeSend.

Client Information

SafeSend Choice(Required)
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